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Color Schemes

This configuration uses Palenight Color Scheme.

Palenight Pallete

You can change the theme installing a new one and changing inside /lua/colorscheme.lua this line:

local colorscheme = "Your new color scheme"

Lualine Theme​

Lualine also have his own themes, probably your color scheme is already installed.

To change the lualine theme go to the after/plugin/lualine.rc.lua and change this:

lualine.setup {
options = {
icons_enabled = true,
theme = 'Your new color scheme',

Bufferline Colors​

The bufferline doens't follow the global colorscheme but you can change the colors in after/plugin/bufferline.rc.lua:

highlights = {
indicator_selected = {
fg = '#b78fda',
background = {
fg = '#657b83',
bg = '#1e2127'
buffer_selected = {
fg = '#fdf6e3',
bold = true,
fill = {
bg = '#2a2c3d'

See all the highlights options