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Prettier formatter is enabled by default and it triggers when a file is saved.

πŸ’± Configure prettier​

By default prettier search a config file in your working directory.

If no has any uses the default prettier configuration.

To override this you can go to the after/plugins/prettier.rc.lua and pass the cli_options:

cli_options = {
arrow_parens = "always",
bracket_spacing = true,
bracket_same_line = false,
embedded_language_formatting = "auto",
end_of_line = "lf",
html_whitespace_sensitivity = "css",
-- jsx_bracket_same_line = false,
jsx_single_quote = false,
print_width = 80,
prose_wrap = "preserve",
quote_props = "as-needed",
semi = true,
single_attribute_per_line = false,
single_quote = false,
tab_width = 2,
trailing_comma = "es5",
use_tabs = false,
vue_indent_script_and_style = false,

🚫 Disable format on save​

Go to the /plugin/null-ls.rc.lua and remove the code shown below:

local group = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup("lsp_format_on_save", { clear = false })
local event = "BufWritePre"
local async = event == "BufWritePost"

-- Delete all code inside this function